Tuesday, December 22, 2009


The past 3 years have been a great adventure at saying goodbye to our debts. We learned a lot about spending less than we earn, increasing our income, settling debts and starting to save.
We haven't gotten rid of all of our debts (we are still carrying our student loans and mortgage), but we are at the point in our life where the debt is under control and not keeping us up at night.

Because of this, we are going to say goodbye to this phase of our life as we proceed into the next. The next 3 years will consist of us building up an urban farm business, investing some and saving all that we can so that I can leave my 8 to 5 day job. We're already ahead on the payments for our debts and by summer we will be putting 20% of our income to our IRA's and 20% towards the business. We'll still be updating our NetWorthIQ.com account as shown to the right as we reach our next goal.

We also have been building our children education funds so that IF they decide to go to college they will not have to carry as many debts as we have. College opened many doors for me that I wouldn't have had access to otherwise, but I don't know if the same will be true in 20 years. I hope though that we may be able to teach them well enough so that they do not have to spend 3 years getting back to square 1 as we have.

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