Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cleaned out the basement

This past week we cleaned out the basement and had a huge "free sale" in our front yard. We told people that everything was free, but if they saw something of value to give us what they thought it was worth. We ended up with a bit over $30, though I know if I had worked at selling some of the items one by one, I would have received a whole lot more. Many of these items though were things I would call "dead weight".

Here's a list of the types of things we got rid of:
  • Half-finished projects
  • Items we tried once (eg: unicycle) and were not as interested in it afterwards
  • Items being kept for projects for several years and never getting to them
  • Items from others that they gave to us to store and never picked up
  • Books & movies that either do not coincide with our moral beliefs or were good once but never going back to again for a second time.
  • Items that we had not used in the past year and doubt we're going to in the coming year.
The value of getting rid of that stuff is priceless, it feels like a dead weight has been removed off of our shoulders and I'm not so reluctant to go down into the basement anymore for items. The time spent trying to get rid of them one by one is time I could instead be with my family, working on growing my freelance business (at $30-40/hour), or helping others around me.

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