Saturday, June 2, 2007

Money Don't Fix Everything

Last night while I was working on our PF and doing some gardening research, I received a call around 2:30 AM asking for help. He is one of the people on our cell phone plan and after he pays us for his portion of the bill, he has gotten in the habit of asking for money afterwards. This time, he needed to be picked up. The only question I asked him was where he was so I could come out there.

Once I picked him up, I found out more of the story. For one, he had been drinking and got together with one of his dealer friends and took drugs. His ride had left him stranded far from home, he lives with his parents (he's over 18) and they wouldn't pick him up. He also borrowed some money from a not-so-nice dude that wanted the money last night, but our guy doesn't have the cash until Tuesday when he gets paid.

After picking our guy up, he of course asked for money to fix his problems. I told him I can't do that, but the best I could do is provide him with a warm bed, a nice shower, some food and help him get clean. He accepted it and is resting right now. If he chooses, we are willing to house him for the next few days until he gets paid to keep him out of trouble.

When he wakes up, my game plan is to give him a sheet of paper and a pencil and ask him to list his goals in life. On another sheet I'll suggest he list what he thinks how others view him. And on a last sheet I'll ask him to list what how he wants others to view him. I feel these three lists will be much more worthwhile to him than the money. He may not like them, he may turn down the idea, but I will have at least tried. If he doesn't like them, he's going to be put to work with me around the house.


Denise Mall said...

I like how you are helping your friend without enabling him.

Karen said...

Money doesn't cure all problems. My MIL cashed in her retirement to bail out her youngest son. And he's continuing to make the same stupid mistakes. He's going to be very angry the next time he asks and she has NOTHING left to give him.
I like your plan!